Tag: Pain

greenery on a nature walk in Bellingham Washington

When Love Cringes

When Love cringes
At the words uttered
Or written in a text
In a message 
Meant to put the finger
On the wound
On the slashed ripped skin
Of the heart

redwood tree in California


Can I peek at you
Through the branches 
Of solitude?
Can time and space
Finally melt 
Between us?
Can I be any different?
Can I be otherwise?

trunk of a tree on a nature walk

They Say…

They say… They say… They say… They say… They say… They say… They say…

Island of Kauai


like the promise of rain,
And the promise of sun
After it.

the many goodbyes

What is it do I want to say
when your eyes meet mine
wondering why
is it so necessary
to be reminded
that we are mortals?

Just like that

Just like that
A life disappears
What has been
Is no more
The space lost
To the words
The warmth undone


me thinks of fear
how it crawls under the skin
hurries the drumbeats
kindles the fire
into the blood stream
makes the eyes roll back
taking away a last breath


it takes a miracle
a timing of sorts,
when a place,
a space
is given
to one
who needs it