you… amazing woman

you… amazing woman

Palm tree in sunset

it was an encounter
like no other that afternoon
as the sun set
its lights on the palm fronds

she looked at me
with her big eyes
full of wonder
how she learns
of women
in the past
the authors
the adventurers
the artists

i asked her
the reason for
such a knowing
in my head
no need was there
to mention
these human beings
who made a difference

she said
it is important
to know where
we come from
and who allows us
to become free
this way

so it seems
the lesson we learn
from young girls
their mothers
their grandmothers
the women
single or married
with or without child
the women
braving all sorts
of natural storms
human challenges
the women
quietly shaping
our lives
in every field known
creating the lines
to the skies
the roots
to the stones
the women gathering
screaming a world


Read Katia’s latest book “After the War, the Women Spoke”.
